Cleaning Masters donates 778.500 liters of drinking water to Senegal and Ivory Coast through Made Blue Foundation

In many developing countries, access to clean drinking water is still a daily struggle. Contaminated water remains a leading cause of disease and death. Millions of women and children must walk for hours to meet their daily water needs. Cleaning Masters, in partnership with the Made Blue Foundation, is committed to addressing the problem of drinking water. By combining their innovative cleaning techniques with sustainable initiatives, our division Cleaning Masters is actively contributing to providing safe drinking water to communities in Senegal and Ivory Coast.

made blue drinking water

Equal basic needs for all

Made Blue Foundation is a nonprofit organization with 500 employees. It is dedicated to providing clean drinking water in developing countries on a daily basis. Many companies, offices, restaurants and schools can contribute to this charity, and Multi Masters Group is proud to do so as well. Equality of opportunity is one of our core values, which is why we are committed to making our contribution to this initiative.

Shared values and standards

Both Made Blue and Multi Masters Group base their work on sustainable development goals. Creating equal opportunities, promoting solidarity and optimizing employee well-being are just some of our main goals. These themes also receive a lot of attention from Made Blue. Thanks to their water projects, they contribute to solving water scarcity especially in Senegal and Ivory Coast. They are providing equal opportunities and safe and clean drinking water for all.

High numbers, hard reality

Did you know that an estimated 1.300 people die every day because of contaminated water? And that women and children in developing countries have to travel long distances every day to collect 20 liters of water? Made Blue is committed to changing this and making drinking water accessible to all. Although it is not possible to solve this problem immediately, our support, along with that of many other companies, contributes to the progress of these countries. With just a few euros, you can provide one person with clean drinking water for a year.

made blue certificat cleaning masters

A liter for a liter

To support the organization, Cleaning Masters has been donating clean drinking water through the use of the i-mop for several years. The i-mop is an innovative cleaning machine used daily by our cleaning masters. They use it to clean our clients’ buildings, but which also collects clean drinking water. This is done according to the ‘a liter for a liter’ principle. For every liter of water our cleaning teams use with the i-mop, we donate a liter of drinking water to water projects in Senegal and Ivory Coast through the Made Blue Foundation. In this way, Cleaning Masters collected no less than 778.500 liters of drinking water in 2024.

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