Our values in practice

As evidenced by our logo, we very much love all animals, especially cervids. Only about 250 dune gazelles are left in the world today. The Multi Masters Group has therefore not hesitated in sponsoring the threatened sister of ‘our’ springbok.

Plastic soup is a big problem. Through our Multi Masters River Cleanup, we tackle the source of the problem. Our personnel and supporters clean up litter very enthusiastically.

Cleaning can go hand in hand with serving good causes. For every litre of water saved with our I-mop cleaning machine, the Made Blue Foundation donates a litre of drinking water to a third world project.

Through the bespoke company Manus, among others, the Multi Masters Group employs motivated people from disadvantaged groups. The Flemish government has made this report on the successful transition from the social to the regular economy.

The Multi Masters Group pays a lot of attention to employee wellbeing. Every week a fresh fruit basket is made available to them. For each basket purchased from the Fruitful Office organisation, an extra fruit tree is planted in Malawi.

We are enormously proud on the achievements of our employees. They rightly deserve to be rewarded handsomely. At our 30th anniversary celebrations, we invited our entire workforce, i.e. nearly 4,000 people and their partner, to what turned out to be an unforgettable party.

If a training session cannot be held on the work floor for practical or safety reasons, we invite our masters to attend virtual reality training at our MM-Academy.

The Multi Masters Group is an innovative company. However, we do keep some traditions, like secretaries day, when all our female employees receive flowers.
Doing sports is healthy. There are always employees prepared to participate in events like the Antwerp Ten Miles or the Warmathons. Let us also mention our internal sports competitions, in which various departments compete in a game of volleyball or indoor football.

Safety is one of the Multi Masters Group’s top priorities. Our employees receive training enabling them to intervene appropriately in any situation.
The prevention advisors of our HSEQ department visit all our offices annually to make a safety tour. This also involves a compulsory evacuation exercise, always successfully performed by our employees.

The Multi Masters Group takes part every year in the “Grote Verkeersquiz” (the great traffic quiz) of the “Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde” (Flemish foundation for traffic engineering). In a playful way we test our knowledge of traffic rules. To emphasize the importance of traffic safety, we give a present to the highest scorer among our employees.

We are proud that our employees are always kept abreast of developments in their sector. Legislative changes, new safety rules, a new product, an innovative technique, …, these are immediately brought to their attention.

In late 2019, Arlanxeo, one of our major clients in the port of Antwerp, gave their annual Safety Award to our Construct Masters division. This rewards the supplier with the safest operating practices. We are very proud to be recipients of this award.

To facility service providers, ‘Cleaners Day’ is a very special day. All our employees receive a surprise. As they work themselves into sweat, day after day, for our clients, we gave them the one and only Multi Masters Group water bottle.

During the corona crisis, the masks promised by the authorities failed to arrive in short order. We took immediate action: all our employees received a Multi Masters Group mask.

When the going gets rough, everybody needs some encouragement. During the corona crisis, we gave our employees a surprise box full of goodies.

We consider our employees as family. On their birthday and during the X-mas season, all our masters receive a greeting card and a little present.

The environment deserves our greatest attention. To remind all our employees of this imperative, we lower the temperature of our heating systems on sweaters day. The pictures sent in from our operational offices always give us a warm feeling.