Debunking these 5 prejudices about cleaning robots: robotics is here to stay

A robot that helps you with your order at the supermarket, drones that deliver your parcels to your home, a robot that can quickly and orderly sort medication at the pharmacy or even a robot dog that can help children with autism. Examples that robotisation is making serious inroads are more than plentiful. Abroad, but also in Belgium. Robots – including cleaning robots – are here and they are here to stay. That is why we help clear up these 5 prejudices.

1. Cleaning robots make human work unnecessary

Absolutely not. This is why the term ‘cobots’ is increasingly used when referring to robots. A ‘collaborative’ robot signifies a partnership between a robot and a human with the common goal of accomplishing more work in an even more thorough manner. Consider a robot/cobot as a tool that adds the finishing touches, an ideal aid.

R3 - Cleaning robots - Cleaning Masters (Multi Masters Group)

While a cleaning robot can efficiently clean large surfaces (some machines cover 2,500 to 3,000 m² per hour), the cleaner has more time to address other matters in a more thorough manner. It’s a win-win situation.

2. Cleaning robots work less efficiently

A misconception that still lingers among customers, causing some reservations. Does a robot effectively perform its intended tasks? Are there too many errors? The only way to answer these questions is for the customer to seize the opportunity and experience it firsthand. While there is still room for growth in robotics, it is here to stay. Software and analytical tools ensure that a robot’s performance can be closely monitored and adjusted as needed.

Comprehensive software allows tracking when and where cleaning occurred, minute by minute. Does a cleaning robot meet the expected hours, or even exceed them? This data provides a clear picture of where adjustments are needed or where performance exceeds expectations.

3. A robot is an additional burden for your company

Consider it more as a visually appealing aspect for a company to work with. Today, there are frequent articles on robots, including on platforms like LinkedIn, showcasing how and where they are deployed. Besides the fact that more work can be accomplished, it is undoubtedly an added value to your company’s image.

Also beneficial for your company’s image is the sustainable aspect. A cleaning robot is not only highly efficient in water usage, but it also remains stationed at the client’s site, resulting in less transportation for our employees and lower CO2 emissions.

4. The use of cleaning robots leads to a less personal approach

Robotization – and digitalization in general – makes it easier to adopt a personal approach. Robots are intelligent devices and can be programmed to address someone by name and even display a personal greeting. In many cases, the robot is operated and accompanied by an employee, ensuring a human touch is never far away.

At Cleaning Masters, we utilize various cleaning robots, including the R3 (see picture above), which features a large screen for displaying personal greetings, important messages, and even a company name. A standout in terms of interaction.

5. Robots will disappear in a few years

No, robots are here now, on a significant rise, and they are here to stay. It is essential for companies to embrace them consciously and thoughtfully, continuously learning over time. Moreover, the future will bring even more robots with increasingly advanced software updates. In other words, robots will only get better and better.

Years ago, cleaning robots stayed 20 cm away from edges; after a software update, this reduced to 10 cm, and now we’re at 1 cm. Existing robots are continually improving, becoming smarter and more efficient, and they are here to stay.

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