What are the advantages of outsourcing technical profiles? We asked Kim, technical recruiter at Techni Masters. In 6 questions and answers, Kim gives you a nice picture of how Techni Masters relieves its clients through outsourcing.
Which technical profiles does Techni Masters supply?
The Techni Masters team comprises some 70 certified breakdown and maintenance technicians. They all have at least 5 years of experience in a production environment. 90% of the technicians are deployed in the food sector. But we also have people in chemicals, petrochemicals, basically any place where there is production machinery.
What is the importance of well-maintained machinery?
It is essential to keep production running as optimally as possible. That is why we also have the right expertise among our employees. If there is a breakdown at a customer’s site, they can solve it in a smooth and efficient way so that production can resume as soon as possible.
“When we place a techni master with a customer,
he or she is fully settled in after only about three weeks.”
What exactly does outsourcing of technical profiles entail?
We place technicians at customers’ premises to resolve machine breakdowns and carry out preventive and curative maintenance on site. Therefore, we ensure proper screening and selection of our employees in order to find the ideal match for the customer.
And what exactly are the advantages of outsourcing technical profiles?
That the customer gets the right staff in the right place quickly and efficiently. The client no longer has to search for staff to place in production itself. One less big worry as it concerns ‘bottleneck jobs’. We also provide the necessary training, work materials, PPE, etc. So they no longer have to provide that themselves either. To sum up, we can say that unburdening the customer is the big advantage.
“The customer no longer has to search for the right staff themselves,
which is one big worry less.”
How does Techni Masters find the technician who best suits the customer?
We are searching and recruiting technical profiles on a daily basis. We talk to a candidate several times, we take technical tests and also look at attitude. Does the person we propose really fit in with the customer? There is actually a whole process before a technician effectively starts working for the customer. According to us, this is the only way to find the ideal match.
How does Techni Masters differ from the competition?
The big difference is that we always work with long-term projects of at least one year with the same client. We are also a family business, which means there is good contact with and between employees. There is very open communication, also with the client.
Finally, Techni Masters only offers people with the right expertise: 5 years’ experience is essential. When we then place someone with the customer, he or she is fully settled in after only about three weeks.