For TRGA 2023, already the 22nd edition of the Trends Gazelles, we travelled to Wommelgem. There, the prizes were awarded to the fastest-growing companies in the province of Antwerp. An initiative of the economic magazine Trends. Mobility Masters was nominated for the third year in a row and again achieved a place in the top 10 among the ‘Large Companies’. “A result we can be very proud of,” says Koen Van Riet, Commercial & business manager at Multi Masters Group.
Third nomination in a row at TRGA 2023
After an eighth (2021) and second (2022) spot on the Trends Gazelles, it was once again looking forward to which place Mobility Masters – our specialist in cleaning public transport and graffiti – would show off. And yes, it was another place in the top 10. “3 years in a row, we are in the top 10 of the Trends Gazelles‘ biggest risers among the ‘Large Companies’. We can obviously be very proud of that,” says Koen Van Riet, Commercial & business manager at Multi Masters Group.
A result with meaning
How may we rate this eighth place (and third top 10 spot) on the TRGA 2023? “Over the years, Mobility Masters has become the absolute market leader in the passenger transport sector. Then we are talking about trains, buses, trams and planes alike. What exactly does it mean to achieve a place in the top 10 for the third consecutive year? It’s about continuing to grow as a company. And in that, as the industry leader, we have succeeded. Surely that means something.”
Trends Gazelles itself describes it as follows: “Gazelles are fast-growing companies, moreover, they are an integral part of our economic landscape. These competitive companies have a positive impact on the business climate in their region. They are powerhouses of innovation and employment. The Trends Gazelles are labelled as inspiring role models for other companies.”
Koen Van Riet explains, “To award points, companies are scored on three things: growth in turnover, in personnel and in added value. That added value is what we mean to society with Mobility Masters. To the region, the province, but actually the whole country. And we create that added value. We really take care of it.”
Masters in the field
The great results at the TRGA 2023 do not come automatically. What is the secret behind Mobility Masters‘ success? “Actually, there is no secret at all. We have become the market leader thanks to hard work. Making the right decisions strategically, expanding our know-how and knowledge, implementing strict quality controls, but also by training our own people. Thus, over the years, Mobility Masters has become a true master in the field on the one hand, and a partner in life for our customers on the other.”
At Multi Masters Group, we want to build on these achievements .”These results don’t come by themselves,” Koen Van Riet continues. “We focus very hard on training our people. That’s the role of our MM-Academy. We turn our employees into real specialists in their field. Masters, as we call them. But also, we are a constructive partner for our customers. A facilities service provider they can really count on, whom they can trust and who takes the worry out of their hands. All this ensures that we have been the market leader in the passenger transport sector for some time now. A position for we will certainly do everything we can to maintain and even strengthen.”